Healthy Snacking On-The-Go

September has been a busy month. First labor day weekend, then a trip to Utah with my tribe for our team leader Women’s Wellness Retreat, and in between: lots and lots of driving for work.

One of the challenges I know we all face during these busy times of travel is how to maintain healthy eating habits when on-the-go. While sometimes it seems so damn hard to stay on track with so much temptation surrounding me (I’m talking about you, airport Chipotle), it really comes down to two simple rules….

  1. Preparation.
    The few hours before leaving for a trip are usually pretty hectic. I’m packing (do I have enough dry shampoo??), wrapping up projects, finalizing transportation, jumping on and off coaching calls. I’m preparing every detail of my trip, so I need to prepare myself, too. Whether I’m traveling by plane or by car, I always always always prepare snacks and meals. You and I both know is not an airport food court or highway rest stop in existence that supports our health and fitness goals. I’ve put together a list of some easy, delicious healthy snacks that you can throw in your carry-on or in a little cooler so you feel prepped and ready for your getaway.

    • Fill a small container with hummus, slice up some cucumber and bell peppers

    • Hard-boil a few eggs, bring ‘em with you and bite into them like an apple, or mix with ¼ avocado, a squirt of dijon and some chopped up peppers for a crunchy, balanced snack. I love to make this and put it on an Muesli Snacking Round by Ozery Bakery. These little “rounds” are like fluffy nutty mini rolls, and are chock full of whole grains and seeds with no GMOs or preservatives.

    • Almond butter packets paired with celery, an apple, or rice cakes.

    • Mixed nuts (unsalted… because we all know how dehydrated we get when traveling)

    • Chomps sticks -- great source of lean, free-range protein with no additives or gluten.

    • 3 packets of shakeology and my shaker bottle.

    • Always always always have an empty reusable water bottle. Almost all airports now have a water-bottle filling station just past security.

      Side Note…. It’s a good idea to pack your snacks in a bento box. (Yes, the type you use to pack your kid’s lunch in) It fits so seamlessly in  and helps me stay within my portion sizes. Planet Box makes some really great eco-friendly ones.

  2. Support.

    Who you travel with has such an impact on what you do while traveling, and this applies in so many more instances than what you eat. When I travel with my accountability tribe, it’s all about balance. We know that supporting each others’ health and fitness goals gives us the freedom to let loose with a few glasses of wine.

    Whether you’re traveling with friends, family or coworkers, share with them how important it is to you to stay on track. When it comes to lunchtime, it’ll be easier to order your balanced, whole-food meal and skip the burger and fries knowing you shared your intention with them. Then you can join them for happy hour vino later as a reward. ;)

I just listed a few simple snacks that anyone, anywhere can prep for themselves. I’d love to hear your go-to travel snacks and preps that keep you accountable while traveling! Drop a comment below to share!

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