LOVE an Amazing Transformation Story!

Happy Month of LOVE

I can't help but notice the plethora of pink cards, candies, and overall sappy love paraphernalia around our local stores. Whether or not you have a romantic love this Valentine's Day, take heart in knowing that by adding healthy habits to your lifestyle you are loving the most important one of all - you! 

Nothing to LOVE more than an amazing transformation comeback story!

Kim and I met many moons ago when I had my Pilates & Barre Studio on the East Coast & just reconnected a few months back with my online accountability group! Not only has she lost 37 lbs & 15 inches since beginning her journey 3 months ago, you can't help but love her amazing spirit! She makes getting through the days you don't want to press play that much more enjoyable and motivating! 

Tell us a bit about yourself.

A bit about myself... well I am a working 40-year-old mommy to two Littles under the age of six!! I have struggled with weight most of my life. I had lost 84 pounds by living a new healthier lifestyle in 2009 and lost 84 pounds. I had kept the weight off for six years but after the birth of my second child, I struggled with postpartum depression and found my weight climbing back up!  

What made you want to get serious about your health & fitness goals?

The thing that really made me serious about my health was wanting to be as healthy as I could be for my children! I wanted to set a good example for them to follow in my footsteps of healthy eating and exercising!

What made you take a chance on this program?

I was tired of feeling out of shape and worn down and I was losing part of myself with postpartum depression so I decided to trust my awesome coach, Lauren, and take a chance with this program!

Did you have concerns going into it?

I did have concerns going into this program because I've always done things on my own in my own way. I knew that I had to be held accountable with a group of women and I wasn't too sure how I felt about that. However, I realized what I was doing was not working anymore and I needed to rely on other people and become part of the sisterhood that this program has blessed me with!!

Is it hard to stick to?

Once I got in the program, I discovered it was not hard to stick with, especially being a working mommy!

Biggest Wins?

My biggest wins are losing 38 pounds in 3 1/2 months and over 17 inches, but most importantly strengthening my mental health as well!

I am very thankful for being part of such an awesome program with amazing ladies who support you along the way on your fitness journey! They are nonjudgmental, understanding, smart and most importantly supportive!!


Healthy Snacking On-The-Go


How to Finish What You Started