Are plane tickets and passport stamps your love language?

If you’ve been following me any amount of time, you know that plane tickets & last minute getaways are my love language!


If you and I are anything alike, we come alive at the thrill of adventure! It could be 2 hours away for desert star gazing in a tent - or just as rough - a luxury day spa sipping a mojito over international waters.

When I made the transition to a career in coaching, I didn’t do it for the vacations, but I can’t help but think how much sooner I’d have gotten involved if I knew of all of the travel perks. In the past few years, our company has sent us on retreats and business development trips to some pretty amazing places. Personal and professional development is extremely powerful in the journey of building a business, and what is more motivating than masterminding your path to success in a fun, fancy new locale?

Statistics say February is the month where the MOST vacations are booked, so I figured this was the perfect time to share my FAV spots with you!

If you've been to any of these places, drop me a comment with your go-to spots for eats and adventure!


Have you been on a killer work trip?
Drop a comment and tell me about the amazing places you’ve been on retreats or business trips!


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